Work with Dr. Amber

Begin Your Journey to Total Wellness

Get Healthy and Wealthy
Group Coaching

Healthcare is a fulfilling profession that is also very demanding. It requires your wellbeing to be in balance in order to help others with their wellbeing. Your financial wellbeing is foundational to support you while you support everyone else. No more overworked and overwhelmed. You deserve to find a place of total wellness and success to focus your financial, physical, and emotional health. You deserve to have the tools, resources, and support you need to design a life that meets your every need and positions you for overall success. Over the course of seven engaging and inspirational weeks, I’ll help you take your vision of financial, physical, emotional, and total wellness from ideas to impact. Together in group sessions, we’ll create and implement the right plan and systems to help you design a life you can commit to for the long-run while you continuously improve your financial, physical, and emotional wellbeing. We’ll assess your total wellness guide results to solidify your definition of total wellness and then amplify your vision by identifying specific outcomes and targets to achieve.

What's Included

 Access to 1:1 Weekly Discussions (30 minute)

 Assessment Workbook

Recording Access (Lifetime for BETA)

Downloadable Course Workbook

Personalized Approaches and a Plan to Follow

Community Support and Motivation

Week 1 - The Definition of Total Wellness

We’ll assess your total wellness guide results to solidify your definition of total wellness and then amplify your vision by identifying specific outcomes and targets to achieve.

Week 2 - Your Healthy and Wealthy Plan

We’ll create SMART goals based on your specific outcomes and targets and make a commitment to ourselves and one another to hold everyone accountable.

Week 3 - Understanding the Basics of Self-Care

We’ll review the best self-care practices that work for you when it comes to achieving and sustaining your total emotional, physical, and financial wellness goals.

Week 4 - Being Intentional with Your Wellbeing

We’ll develop well-researched plans by gathering baseline data in all three total wellness areas to help you understand how to prioritize each area of your plan.

Week 5 - Making Improvements

We’ll implement best practices and strategies to help begin that transformative shift in your life trajectory, including a focus on establishing specific routines to set you up for success.

Week 6 - Finding the Right Support

We’ll identify the resources you need to help you achieve total wellness across all three areas and give you access and guidance to find the right support for you.

Week 7 - Achieving Ongoing Wellness

We’ll revisit our SMART goals to celebrate and assess our progress while looking toward the future with a plan, the right resources, and a community of support!

Personalized 1:1 Coaching

Oprah Winfrey had Maya Angelou. Bill Gates had Warren Buffet. I’m here to support you as a coach to help build you up while you nurture your financial wellness to empower your physical and emotional — then total — wellness. Book a connection call below to learn more about a personalized coaching experience to improve your life and access the ultimate freedom of living life as your full self — totally!